
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

STAR CATS Dino Combiner: GANG BA (AOE Grimlock)

This is the first time I'll be reviewing five different toys at the same time.. And it's quite a challenge..  I only acquired this yesterday and considering the work and other stuff that I need to do only adds up to the challenge.. Pressure is on, so bear with me guys! :D

I'll start the review with the main component of the team..  GANG BA!!  yep, you read that right.. It's name almost sound something naughty so we'll be calling him "Grimlock" instead.. 



ROBOT INSIGNIA!   Looks like an iguana to me.. LOL!




Being a Tyrannosaurus Rex and sporting the AOE toy color.. It's obvious that this toy is heavily based on Grimlock..  But unlike the awesome Voyager AOE toy.. This one is a let down and I can understand why..

Grimlock forms the torso of the team.. And with that, the engineering team decided to compromised the proportion and articulation of the toy.. I believe they can do a better job since there's already parts (Hip Joint) that shows hinge extension for better proportion.. But they decided not to continue the concept and that is something I don't get it..

The toy has a very wide hip and very very very awkward and poor shoulder joints.. Despite the POA's, he is almost a brick since you can't have him utilize those POAs properly.. Just seeing him stand is a pain.. here's a sample to properly visualize it:


With a little tweaking, I was able to have him on a decent pose.. And YES! that's the most dynamic you can do with him looking cool.. *SIGH*

It's tail forms a shield.. NEAT IDEA!

Head sculpt is kinda a mixed of Grimlock and Prime.. But I think it works! :)


I'm glad that despite the dreadful robot mode, its dinosaur mode shines!  It may not be the most T-rex accurate toy out there but at least it's not painful to look at.  The more I look at it, the more it resembles "Megazord Red Tyrannosaurus".. They even have the same concept for the thigh connectors which may explain the similarities..


I have nothing good to say on its robot mode... It's the weakest among the five dino team and that is sad considering it supposed to be a representation of our beloved autobot T-rex.. 

It's dino mode is good but not enough to compensate for the issue.. Thankfully, the rest of the gang is there to cover it..

PART 1  --------

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