
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Now for something different.. Of all the toy lines I have played and enjoyed when I was a kid, Transformers is the closest to my heart..  It is the reason why I got into toy collecting in the first place.. 

So despite my hiatus on hauling TFs for almost 2 years, it's time to seek my true love again.. hehe

Here I present you:

Transformers Prime: First Edition Cliffjumper

I got this as a SET from a fellow collector and I can say it's more like an impulse buy - but in a good way..

I was watching Peaugh's take and was very impressed on it.. So after learning more about the difference between the TFP first Edition and RID version.. I decided to spend my cash on the FE instead.. And boy I was not wrong... :)

This is by far the best CJ toy ever released, and will be on my "All-Time TF Toy" favorite list..

Let me enumerate the pros and cons:

1.  The transformation process is clever and unique
2.  Great integration of car parts to robot mode
3.  Articulation
4.  Weapon Gimmick
5.  Not a repaint nor a remold of an existing figure

1.  Lack of paint detail on Bot mode
2.  and that's it......... :)

CJ was based on the same concept as bumblebee, a minibot within a tiny car.. That's why when Bee was later changed into a Muscle type car, so is CJ's bot and alt mode.. 

But this time CJ got itself a new mold.. And I love it!!


 CJ's alt mode is based on a Dodge Challenger muscle car.. There are few paint detailings on car mode - headlight, rear and front bumper, side exhaust pipe, tires and a little autobot insignia..

It's under side is impressive. Aside from the semi exposed head, robot parts are well meshed..


CJ's robot mode is beefy and boxy.. It has the right masses on the right places.. Making him look 
fierce and powerful.. Something you don't want to mess with..


Another cool thing is the integrated weapon.. You just need open the flap on both side of his forearms, rotate the hands, closed the panel. Then voila - Triple Barrel Gun!!!


CJ has a great range of articulation.. It's POAs can do basic dynamic posses which some normal deluxes can't.. And with a little tinkering on it's joints, you'll be able to do more dramatic posses.. 

1.  Head, shoulders, hips and ankles are on a Ball Joint
2.  Biceps, elbows, wrists and Knees are on a Hinge/Swivel Joint

Tip:  Due to its transformation, you can utilize the hip and neck joint for added articulation.. 


I can't believe it took me this long to realize how great this figure is.. Everything on it was fun and spot on.. I won't be surprise if I end up getting the Terrorcon version and the GDO since I'm so SOLD on this mold.. 

If you're planning to have your first Cliffjumper - Get this!
If you're into transformers - Get This!
If you have nothing to do with your money, spend it wisely and - Get This!
If you have no money for whatever reason, do something about it and - Get This!   (LOL!!)

Seriously, do yourself a favor and get this.. Cheers!!! :) :D

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Which of the two are you??!!

It was a typical day at the office and feel like slacking off.. Decided to scroll the web and  came across with my fellow "kababayan" (countrymen) web site.. Aside from it's massive list of collectibles, there's an article on where the author discusses the two types of collectors we have.. "Happy and Passionate" and "Competitive and Too Proud"..

I was an active forumer before and witnessed these type of people, and so I easily relate on the author's post and decided to share it here for you to have your opinions too..

Which of the two are you?!

And will you do something to it to change or improve yourself?!  :)

Courtesy of:

Monday, August 5, 2013

SD Shin Ryubi Gundam (Bandai)

Been very busy with last month, and fortunately I find some time to finish this one.. here I present you:


I haven't finished watching the whole series (Even though it's just a 10 minute episode per show) so I have little knowledge on how did Ryubi get this form.. Anyway, unto the review..

Front Box

Back Box
The back of the box is interesting. It has printed text and pictures that showcase the other two allies he have..


All Sangokuden SD have this short comics that highlights the character on the kit.. And if you manage to complete the whole brave battle line, you'll have the complete comic strip!

And at the back shows the Gundam on where Ryubi was based on - RX78-2 -

2 Plastic Package

Runner 1

Runner 2

Runner 3

Polycaps and Foil Stickers


Unpainted without armor

 Unpainted With Armor

Unpainted Front with weapons (FRONT)

Unpainted with weapons (BACK)

With it's accessories

I was kinda torn when assembling this.. Part of me wanted to paint it, but the separation for detailing is Sh*tty, making me want to use the stickers instead.. For a lazy modeler like me, I find Bandai's stickers to be great.. It has great adhesive, flexibility and resistance to scratch.. Using it was fun and enjoyable.. ;) 

For people who are skeptic on using it, don't be.. It's really reliable and easy to us.. Just make sure to follow the basic steps when applying it to achieve maximum results.. 


But alas, I ended up painting it and was please on the result.. If only I have the privilege of time, I'll do this to all of my SD kits.. *SIGH* Hand brushing eats a lot of time that's why I'm gunning to have my first air brush set.. If anyone can suggest a brand, model, name etc.. Please leave a suggestion down the comment section.. Philippine resident here ;)


Maybe you can see on the pictures but this one has better range of articulation compared to its first armor.. The arms were able to bend more, and the feet can further stretch out.. Making the standing stance more dynamic.. Surprisingly, despite the added armor in it's shoulders and arms, it doesn't hinder the POAs.. A thumbs up for Bandai for that.. :)


 If you see this kit on the shelf, grab and buy it.. I was hesitant at first but ending up liking it very much.. Which in my opinion is always a winner!! The only downside for me is the part separation for detailing.. Other than that, the kits is enjoyable..The gimmick was lame and corny, since you only move it's flap and that's it.. But for P150 ($3), it's a steal.. :)